The Rev’d Michael Bigg
e: t: 01954 332040 m: 07380 809 377
[Please note that Michael’s regular day off each week is Friday.]
Michael grew up in Cambridge (just off Mill Road), attending the Netherhall School and then Hills Road Sixth Form College. After 4 years of working in IT as a self-taught programmer, he felt the lure of finding out more about his faith and went to Durham to read Theology for 3 very happy years.
After returning to Cambridge to complete an MPhil in New Testament studies, he trained as teacher of RE. Michael spent a challenging year as the only RE specialist at what was The Manor in Arbury, he then settled at Comberton Village College and became Head of Department.
While teaching at Comberton he met his wife, Kathryn, and they were married in 2012. Shortly after being married he gave in to the call to ordination (you can ask him about that, if you like!) and so entered the discernment process.
In 2015 he started training for ministry at Ridley Hall and was ordained in 2017 to serve in the parish of East Leightonstone (Brampton, Grafham and Ellington) in Ely Diocese. Here he greatly valued the sense of village community life and was heavily involved in encouraging all three congregations to develop their own gifts.
Michael is a great believer in lay ministry and loves to see all of God’s people exploring the gifts God has given them to use for the flourishing of the church and surrounding communities. He is looking forward to discovering the things that God is already doing in both Girton and Madingley and hopes to find that there are many ways in which God’s faithful (and would-like-to-be-more-faithful) people might seek to serve in the years to come.
Kathryn is a maths teacher and she’s currently working on an artificial-intelligence-based online maths learning platform. She and Michael have three boys: Matthew (6), Thomas (4) and Joseph (2). They are a lovely handful.
In Michael’s spare time he likes to do a range of things including reading, cryptic crosswords and chess. He is hoping that having a ½ time job will allow him the capacity to take up playing the trumpet and (perhaps) cricket again.
Associate Priest
The Revd Christine Barrow
e: t: 01223-575089
Christine was licensed to serve at St Mary Magdalene Madingley in October 2012 when the parishes of Girton and Madingley were linked. She trained for ordained ministry at Westcott House, and served her curacy at St Andrew’s Church Girton. Prior to that, she had trained at Homerton College as a teacher, and spent 14 years with her husband Harry and their two sons in California, where her call to ordination was first discerned. Her particular interests in the church lie in accompanying individuals in their journey of faith, (often referred to as “spiritual direction”), and in encouraging the education of both adults and children in the faith. For relaxation, Christine enjoys reading, particularly detective novels, and sewing. She is a keen follower of the England cricket teams, (male and female), and restores her peace of mind with a variety of music, mainly classical but also some from the folk tradition.

Associate Priest
The Rev’d Marie Luchetta-Redmond
I have lived in England since 1994, and my husband Eamonn and I have lived in Girton since 2010. We love it here! I have two children: my son Louis lives in Germany where he works a composer and a music teacher; my daughter Lucie lives close by, in Cambridgeshire, and she works as a primary school teacher and SENCO. I grew up in France, in and around Paris, and in the Roman Catholic church. My first ministry was music. I started playing the organ at the vigil Mass in my Parish when I was just 12 years old (although I cannot play with my feet!); I then learnt to lead worship and especially sing the Psalms, and I was part of the growing ecumenical movement in France in the 1970s. A very exciting time.
When I first worshipped in a Church of England church at the start of 1995, I was struck by the warm welcome, the beautiful singing, and the liturgy, which was so close to the one I knew, but enriched with many wonderful details from the Anglican tradition and theology. I quickly became the ‘plan B’ organist in my Parish, but soon my incumbent recommended me for Authorised Lay Ministry. I was authorised in 2007 as a Worship Leader, and it was a joy and an honour to be part of a Fresh Expression of Church for several years. That led to more reflecting on God’s call, and after three years of study, I was licensed as a Lay Reader in 2013 in the Parish of the Ascension in Cambridge. I thought that was it… But God had further plans for me! I was ordained a Deacon in 2021, and a priest in 2022.
I am so happy to be joining you all in Girton and Madingley! I have longed to worship with you, and I very much look forward to working alongside Michael and Chris and to knowing you all better. Many blessings.

The Rev’d Kevin Parks
m: 07961 916021
On the 30th June I was ordained as a Deacon at Ely Cathedral. I am delighted to have been appointed Curate to the parishes of Girton and Madingley, supporting Rev’d Michael Bigg.
What does a Deacon do? There’s no greater explanation than that proclaimed by the Bishop during the service of ordination. “Deacons are called to work with the Bishop and the priests with whom they serve as heralds of Christ’s kingdom. They are to proclaim the gospel in word and deed, as agents of God’s purposes of love. They are to serve the community in which they are set, bringing to the Church the needs and hopes of all the people. They are to work with their fellow members in searching out the poor and weak, the sick and lonely and those who are oppressed and powerless, reaching into the forgotten corners of the world, that the love of God may be made visible.” Deacons also share in the pastoral ministry of the church and the leading of worship services. I’ll be posted to Girton and Madingley for approximately three years and during that time I’ll be fully immersed into the life of the community, serving it’s needs and supporting the work of the parish churches.
A little about me: I was born and raised in the North West of England. I studied Law in Sheffield for 3 years before joining the Metropolitan Police in 2002, where I have spent the last 22 years, enjoying a wide and varied career. I have two sons, Thomas (17) and Lewis (13). I am married to Joanne who was a Detective for 16 years, but has since retrained as a mental health nurse. We live with our cat, ‘Bungle’ and our Labrador ‘Bella’ who keep us all very busy. I have a great love for the outdoors, and try to stay as active as I can exploring our beautiful countryside. I am an avid collector of books, so much so that I’m running out of space for them. I love music, and I’m currently engaged in a life-long battle with trying to master the piano. I studied for my DipHE in Theology, Ministry and Mission with ERMC (Eastern Region Ministry Course) and I have developed a real passion for theological education. When you see me out and about do feel free to stop and talk to me. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all, and serving this wonderful community in any way I can.

Licensed Lay Minister
Miss Susan Rawlings
Susan was first licensed as a Lay Minister in Ely Cathedral in October 2011, having done a three-year part-time training course. She regularly takes a service of Morning Prayer (10.30 am) in St Mary Magdalene on the first Sunday of the month and a service of Evensong (6.00 pm) at St Andrew’s Girton on the third Sunday of the month, together with other services of the word as needed. She co-tutored the course “Growing as a Disciple” at different venues around the diocese, including Cambridge. She has recently become a Volunteer Day Chaplain at Ely Cathedral.
She started life in London and took a degree in Classics at King’s College, University of London. She then moved to Cambridge. For the past 30+ years until her retirement, Susan worked for the University’s Institute of Continuing Education at Madingley Hall as Deputy Director of Continuing Education and resident Warden of Madingley Hall. She was also Fellow and Praelector of Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, and is now a Fellow Emeritus.
Susan loves meeting people. And she loves her home, her family and friends, her cat, reading Latin, and her garden.