Following advice given by the Diocese of Ely, the PCC has put together a Parish Coronovirus Continuity Plan, to help ensure the protection of those attending services in the church and laying out plans for communication and pastoral care should it be necessary for services to be curtailed. Please note the following:
- The congregation is asked to wash their hands on arrival at church. Please use the paper towels provided.
- Please be assured that Christine and Susan and those involved in setting up for the service are observing strict hygiene practices.
- Tissues are available should they be needed together with a bin for their disposal.
- When you take Communion please do not kneel at the Communion Rail. You will be offered communion in one kind only i.e just the bread.
- Here is a really difficult one for our friendly congregation – please no shaking hands, kissing or hugging!
- Unfortunately we are advised to suspend serving refreshments after services.
- Please stay at home if you are unwell but keep in touch with us by phone so that you can be included in our prayers. Also, if you hear of anyone who falls ill over the next few months please let us know so that we can work out how best to support them.
Sadly it has been necessary to postpone the Service for the Dedication of the West End Development Project and the Village Quiz Night.
We hope that the Service of the Word for Mothering Sunday (suitable for all the family) on 22nd March will take place as planned. The annual revision of the Church Electoral Roll will also start that day and continue until 5th April. Unless you are a recent member of the congregation this will not apply to you as your name will already be registered on the Roll. However, if your address or other contact details have changed since last March please let the PCC Secretary know.
In this fast moving situation please do check the church website and your emails for further information which will be updated regularly.