The work of our church is reliant on people’s generosity, and we are so grateful for all the gifts we receive. This generosity is a hallmark of a lived-out faith and a testament to it. If you are able to give to us now, here’s how you can help.
To make a contribution towards the running costs of our church or for our rolling programme of restoration work please use the following information to make a BACS transfer:
Name of account: Madingley PCC
Sort code: 60-04-23
Account number: 08218366
Reference: Your Name
If you are able use gift aid or would like your donation to be used specifically for work on the fabric of the church please get in touch with our treasurer to advise him: A donation by cheque can be posted to the Parish Office at The Rectory, 42 Church Lane, Girton, Cambridge CB3 0JP marked ‘For the attention of the Treasurer, Madingley PCC’.
Thank you!