
Services start at 10.30am in the Parish Church (unless otherwise noted – see below) with Morning Prayer on the first and second Sundays of the month and a service of Holy Communion on other Sundays unless otherwise advertised.

To take part in the broadcast Sunday service, you are welcome to join the service at St Andrew’s Church Girton at 10am. Please click on this link a few minutes beforehandGirton Parish Church YouTube Channel.  Afterwards there is an opportunity to meet up on Zoom to share coffee and fellowship using the same link as for Morning Prayer and Compline services (see below).

Thursday’s Service of Morning Prayer can be joined via Zoom at 9am.  In addition Compline (Night Prayer) will be said at 9pm, also on Thursdays. To access these services on Zoom you can click on this link a few minutes before the service starts. Alternatively, use these details:  Zoom Meeting ID: 999 6982 5451  Passcode: 476091 

Some of the services arranged for the next few months are slightly different from our usual pattern. Please note the following:

There will be no service in Madingley this morning. Please join with the congregation of St. Andrew’s in Girton for their service which begins at 10am (note the clocks will have gone forward overnight for BST).

6th April SERVICE OF MORNING PRAYER led by Miss Susan Rawlings LLM at 10.30am

13th April 10.30am PALM SUNDAY SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION led by the Rev’d Marie Luchetta-Redmond with the blessing of palms.

18th April 11am THE GOOD FRIDAY LITURGY led by the Rev’d Marie Luchetta-Redmond and Miss Susan Rawlings LLM

20th April 10.30am EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION led by the Rev’d Marie Luchetta-Redmond

27th April 10.30am SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION led by the Rev’d Michael Bigg

Refreshments will be served after services held on Sundays.

The calendar of services at this church is below.